Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2/9 Critique: Assignment from information graphics class

Due to the snow break, I did not have any clips from advanced design class. My VOX assignments are mainly in the later half of the semester. So this week I choose to critique one of my work from information graphics.

Maybe this seems totally irrelevant to design, but our graphics teach has a master of fine art and he pays special attention to the design elements in the graphics.

The following are something he taught me and repeatedly emphasized:

Align everything: I used to align things just by eyes (LAZINESS!!) Though the difference is barely noticeable, the overall visual results would be huge.
Never place anything near to the edge.
To convey information most effectively is where you come with the design. Asking yourself: how I want to design this way, are there any differences? Is it helpful to the content? 
For example: in order to highlight the important roads, we used different strokes. 

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