This week I will critique my first feature design for VOX
The story is about the dressing code in MU, while MU actually does not have dress code for professors. Then the story starts with three professors who have distinct dress style.
Unfortunately, the whole story only has one spread to fit, and the text I got is about 2000 words...Thus, my biggest problem is how to negotiate between text and art.
Since it's about dressing, I think it would be interesting to make the spread into brand lookbook for different style guide. In order to highlight different style instead of people I put body wear at the opening and mix match with their footwear. This is meant to arise curiosity from the readers. And on the second page, I want to present the whole body of the professors but could not find the photos I want.
My other idea of presenting whole body is to have colored rectangle box as background of each professors and make it into musical movie poster but with an elegant tone. I think I would love to try this for my second draft.
I really like your feature design. The way you used the photos on the left page is so neat. I like how the title bar cuts across and divides them. The signatures are a nice touch too. Great job!