Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2/23 You Can't Miss This

Designed to Annoy: an theoretical look at designing inefficient packaging.
Erica Askin is an industrial design major.
He came up with several different ideas in terms of convenience, branding, portability.

The final solution is diamond carton which makes the package hard to display logo and to brand, hard to access and share.
Actually the carton looks cute to me at the first glance. Then I realize the much smaller volume of the carton. Sharp
The main idea of Askin is to break the rule of design and you can still get a good design for opposite purpose.

If you find that idea interesting, you can also check the other projects in the website, they are also very cool to read. Askin had design project for NASA storage, bicycle and moto.


The second you can't miss it is also related to smoking
"cigarette Ash Landscape" by Yang Yonglian

I think the picture is quite self-explanatory.

What I like the design most is it's combination of urban modern feeling and the elements of traditional Chinese culture. The background is made up of Chinese Shan Shui painting and calligraphy. The photo skyline which are used as ash of the cigarette are the products of modern digital images.

Those two aspects do not look contradictory at all, instead are nicely combined.

The concept is very innovative too! The irony composition of flowers along with ashes and the gradient of ashes made of city skylines give a strong impact on visual and push the readers to think over the theme "ash landscape".

1 comment:

  1. Chen! That smoking box is so funny but amazing! What a neat idea! I also love seeing people's work processes and how their idea develops. I need to draw more... The problem is I can't draw near as well as them!
